Monday, October 3, 2011

I’m never coming back again!

I am a little girl from top of the hill
‘All the worlds’ love is for me’, said my mama
For I am the only blessing they have
I had never known, a day of loneliness
For I was safe and sound in the nest of care
i was the luckiest girl, In all the kingdom I have known?
Once came a clad riding from down the hill
Spelled a charm from his eyes
I left my abode, to join a new life’s journey
‘Goodbye mama’, will I ever see you hold me again?
One day I opened my eyes, to see a vast desert
Where have I landed?  In the land of no water
The more I walk, the further I sink
The charmer had disappeared
For whom I left the world behind
Now here I am
Searching for life’s oasis….
‘Mama’, I’m never coming back again!

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