What comes to your mind when you think of a travel destination during a holiday?
I will analyze few attributes that can possibly come to your mind – comfort, independence, happiness, beauty, nature, adventure, freedom, and so on. Will all these be satisfied at the cost of your one year’s savings? Well, now that sounds depressing. If you consider your work’s stress and a year’s hard work and the wonderful thought of going out on a holiday, your hard work weighs more(in my opinion). And now the thought of going on a holiday will rest somewhere backside of your brain.
The point I am trying to make is the imagination and satisfaction of going on a holiday does not necessarily come from the bucks that are shed, if you can go back to your childhood and recall the most adventurous and exciting event with friends outside home, even now it will bring back the enthusiasm and excitement. So, the point is not where you go and how far you go but, with whom you go and with what mind you go.
It need not necessarily be a far away destination, out of the state or out of the country, it can be in your own city where there are many places unexplored and unseen. So bring back your childhood into your mind search for the numbers of your friends who still have the excitement alive in them and remember, your wife/husband can be your best friend too. Form a gang and set out for a trip to experience the new you, the child in you whom you had long forgotten, the adventure in you which is in deep sleep, the hunger for freedom and excitement, the beautiful side of you which you had bid adieu, the life in you which you had never seen.
The fast life, growing responsibilities, work-life balance, stress, work load and monotenous work life can all be changed to a night’s bad dream so that you wake up to live a life at least once in a month as you desired. And off course the fact remains that you have to go back to your night’s bad dream and the end of the adventure but you can still smile at work remembering how your buddy had pushed you into water when you were trying to catch a picture of a beautiful girl in your camera, or when you trekked to catch a beautiful picture of nature when the wind was running on your face, that was never visible at the office cubicle you were working.
Life can always be made beautiful by simple things like bringing a smile on someone’s face, looking at how beautiful the nature has been created, and this need not be attained by spending huge bucks but can be as simple as taking your local bus or train to a remote place where there is more of nature and less of people, it can even be a small hill at the outskirts of the city, an open space, running green fields, or a little pond, lake or anything you can sit to think about it and I am sure your imagination will fill a paper. Plan it up in innovative ways and explore the earth because a man was not born to belong to a single place, do not be a frog in the well be a bird free and independent but can still can come back to the land in search of food.
At the very thought of a holiday plan one would look out for the possibilities of going to far places like different parts of a country or different countries, but have you ever tried to know how much do you enjoy there after spending a lot of your savings, have you ever thought if you are going on a holiday to a fashionable place just to show your neighbors, friends and colleagues that you are well off.
And if this is the case then you have not defined in your mind the idea of a holiday, it is important to know that you go out to spend your precious time and money to be happy and feel the independence and freedom of traveling for a while at least but not to name a famous place that you have visited just to enhance your status, which does not bring any contention to your life and mind.
So, a favorite holiday destination is not in the world map or the amount of your savings, but in your mind which loves life.
i guess u have a good analytical..brain.....it's true holidays are not travel but the relief u get from the monotony of ur daily chores in life. With the present life of making fast bucks we tend to forgot that small trips can make the rejuvenation in ur mind. Great work and thoughts keep up the work..bye.
Hey Vibha...just read ur TRAVEL doc, its so very true n actually written in the most simple language yet bringing out the essence of appreciating the little things(Frnds, people) around u...
Hardwork does win hands down on a years savings though...a trip down these wonderful memory lanes does allow one to escape for the daily chaos...
Guess wht I took the liberty of bookmarking ur blog n juss in case added it to my favs too...
Pour your thoughts in.....bye
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