This question had been ringing in my ears from quite a long time.. Especially because in one of our lecture classes, we answered like dumb people for a question on tools of promotion and our lecturer had commented “any layman can answer like you”. And this is absurd.. So, I am no better than a layman, how worst can it get to be?

And it came to my mind that my lecturer was so true, I am still the complete normal dumb person as I was 2 years back when I entered the post graduation, carrying with me 1000 expectations of acquiring a world of knowledge.
It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it? , because the word ‘MBA’ has created this hype that a master in business administration can create the 8th wonder of this world, specially if he/she is from a premium institution.
And now to ground reality, I still feel I am whom I was 2 years back without this huge investment, and a 2 year time.
And are people out there completely crazy like me that they badly need a pos graduation degree for nothing?
All these dreams of post graduation as a transformational tool in one’s life is all crap?
And is all the hunting for big corporate names and big bucks a fantasy?
Let’s give these queries a little thought, at least this is what my simple mind could think about,
A higher education degree does not:
- Make each one of us an Einstein
- Give us power to transform any organization into a cash cow
- Give us powers to conquer the corporate kingdom
Now then what does it do??? It does much more than the above
- It gives us the confidence to adapt
- It gives us the patience to listen and learn
- It makes us good thinkers
- It facilitates us to learn quickly
- It helps us boost our creativity
Doesn’t these sound so simple, but beware these are the most important things organizations look out for, and if the corporates out there trust an institution they trust the knowledge it imparts to its students.
As a famous saying goes, ‘In order to cut a tree spend 75% time sharpening your axe’
The sharpening role is what is done by these educational degrees and now that’s the difference between a layman and a post graduate.
(I hope my lecturer does not read this and think “This is crap man”)