I guess the small introduction above gives a brief idea about what I am going to speak, these days the word arranged marriage sounds so old fashioned as the practice itself, the invasion of foreign brands, lifestyles, movies, fashion etc has this enormous impact in the way we live that we have forgot that there is something called our culture that existed centuries back but slowly perishing.
Once you have finished the above paragraph I know that you must be thinking I am just another philosopher who is a good preacher but a bad follower. I am not trying to prove that I do not use foreign brands, or do not see Hollywood movies or do not eat a burger at mc Donald’s, Off course 'I do'. The point is we are so busy following the culture which is not ours that we also don’t realize what are the pros and cons of opting a love marriage over arranged.
Well lets back to the actual story, lets picturise this “how do you decide to fall in love?”, I would say most of the times the girl/boy does not know anything about the other but still are attracted to each other which you may call it love at first sight, or teenage or whatever. Now these are strangers but still they get into a relationship called love not even knowing where it might lead them to, and we see “n” number of failures be it the guy cheated, or the girl found him boring, or that it’s a contractual dating. I am not trying to prove there are no failed marriages, sure there are. But atleast you need not have to leave your family, or break your parent's trust; when u fall in love the first time or get married in an arranged scenario its all the same, its only after the actual relationship comes into picture the compatibility is proved. So why cheat your parent’s trust?, why run away from home?, why hurt others feelings?. Don’t you think it is being pure selfish when you just think about your happiness.

You need care, you need love, you need guidance, you need financial assistance, you need social recognition and you need all these only till you get into this magic called love!, you’ll never realize how much you have hurt until your own kid runs away with some stranger.
I am not against love, but I am against lovers who think they are always right and don’t give a damn to their parent’s opinion whom they mistake to be those opposing parents in a certain love story of a movie. Before you leave your parents for the loved one, just think once again that,
Once you have finished the above paragraph I know that you must be thinking I am just another philosopher who is a good preacher but a bad follower. I am not trying to prove that I do not use foreign brands, or do not see Hollywood movies or do not eat a burger at mc Donald’s, Off course 'I do'. The point is we are so busy following the culture which is not ours that we also don’t realize what are the pros and cons of opting a love marriage over arranged.

You need care, you need love, you need guidance, you need financial assistance, you need social recognition and you need all these only till you get into this magic called love!, you’ll never realize how much you have hurt until your own kid runs away with some stranger.
I am not against love, but I am against lovers who think they are always right and don’t give a damn to their parent’s opinion whom they mistake to be those opposing parents in a certain love story of a movie. Before you leave your parents for the loved one, just think once again that,
“You are somebody because of those parents, and if you are a nobody you’d probably not have been chosen by your loved one”.
i agree with your view that whether its an arranged marriage or a love marriage,compatibility is proven much later on..so a love marriage has no "advantage" as such over an arranged marriage...couldn't agree more with your views on eloping too..nice article!
Its really good one and I like your practical thinking about life
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