Hi folks, I know you must have missed me for long now, I just took a break to renew my skills and my ways of communication. Now I know you won’t buy such bullshit, so the fact is I got married and took a year’s break on blogging.
Life has changed a sea after this licensed live-in relation arrangement was done. Had I been a spinster I would have cribbed to have been married, now that I am married I miss the days where there were no rules to my mind. Is it that I am having a tough time coping with a husband material? Not at all.. He is not a husband, he is a rollercoaster. No! Guys, no imaginations on this quote.
I have all the freedom I need, all the permissions required, I need not behave wifey, I need not think for being what I want to be. Then WTF is the problem?
Ok here is a preliminary analysis of the problem I am undergoing. It’s a new law of physics or whatever subject this might fit in to, that when u have something which is what you always wanted, you no longer wish for it. Which is you no longer appreciate that it’s a big thing. Like example I had a lot of restrictions of being the only daughter about things like
Early to home policy,
No movie with friends policy,
No coloring hair policy,
Any salon treatment needs pre approval,
Dress measurements should be a size bigger than you actually are,
Now for all the policies above I wished I had FREEDOM! Now off course I have it. tons and tons of freedom (like I measured it).
Should I not be the happiest wife in the whole world? Haaa there is the catch, now I have freedom so what’s next? Now that is life, just because you wanted something so badly and you get it, your life does not stop at that. What is the next big thing you want is the way of thought. Life would become stagnant if we had everything we want, its like we finished our life in here so lets move to the next world.
The day you have got everything you ever wanted you wil look horrible with wrinkles, not a drop of energy even to think about what you want next. That’s when the invisible world decides ‘alrite pack your bags and disappear’. And then probably you are born again somewhere to learn again, think again, wish again, live again. so, dont stop dreaming...
Ok guys come back, I’ll talk about more such crazy things.
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