Thursday, May 17, 2012

A perfect getaway

The blue waves washing the white sands, while the crystalised sun sprinkles crystals all over the vast waters mild.
As the breeze sways its way to my ear massages my senses, I hear the breath of the ocean as mighty as the life.
The wind in my hair and sugary sand at my feet where else would I need to be?
The deepest blue waters will surround you while you sit in a hollow pathway - a submarine, the lovely dolphins and jeweled fishes would swim around.
Those beautiful water creatures would whisper among themselves and giggle like how we would on sighting them, this picture perfect world is waiting somewhere for us, and where are you right now?
In one part of the fairy tale world, it would drizzle snow all over and the sight would pass chills over the body. The sharpness of ice there is something about it -crystal clear, its pure, its white, it’s an illusion that melts away.
You breathe ice and you can see air, it would be color white everywhere and if there is someone dear to cuddle and share the warmth to survive. Coz this world was made to share and love. "I don’t own anything in this world the world owns me" and I belong to this nature
Once upon a time a lovely night with scented candles in the night, a soothing music that makes the heart beat slower like 60 beats a minute, the pitch dark silence, the water is flooded with velvet roses. And I don’t have to open my eyes so soon coz I will never be late to work, I have buried my mobile phone in the dead sea.
For one time if you don’t care about getting wet, then there is a place in the world that pours waters from the sky like forever, have you ever wondered of what is it like to be in shower for 24 hours. It would be like warm chills all over the body all time and we would be kids again to feel the joy of rain drops when it kisses the water on the ground, the crackle of rays in the sky. This is rain unlimited
When you can smell the foreign scents that brings a smile on your lips, when you feast on the colorful food that you have never tasted before, when you know there is no hurry to get back to bed, when you have time to spot the infinite stars above, when you can touch the flowers in bloom, the snow, the sugary sand, the warmth of a bonfire.
Why are we jailed here at some place where in name of ‘I love my work’  are we missing those pleasures made for us and sprinkled in every part of the world?
There are these beauties everywhere in earth waiting to be discovered, what am I waiting here for, in front of a 15 inch Compaq laptop blinking my eyes and sitting in an airconditioned room?

Friday, April 27, 2012

3 - A kolaveri Movie

I don’t comment on movies that I see atleast don’t blog about it, but today after seeing this movie 3 (tamil) felt like talking about it. I am not expert to judge the movie on direction, screenplay, music etc etc, but as an individual i get very emotional on watching movies because I tend to relate myself and get so involved when I watch movies like this.
The movie starts with a schoolgoing kid falling in love and from there it grows like usual story and the girls accepts, parents oppose and finally they get married but ya they do get married after 10 years of love so I assume they are of marriageable age. But the movie starts with the fact that the hero is dead, so from the starting we are in search of the reason as to why he died? And so is the heroine who is also trying to find out the exact reason of death and thereby flows all the flashback love story.
Hero would be suffering from some mental illness which makes him very violent, depressed and extremely happy therefore he hurts people or gets very hyper. Heroine does not understand why he is behaving so weird and gets upset all the time not knowing he is going through all this trauma, hero’s friend helps him get treated by a doctor but this would not help hero recover, he is just getting worst till the end. Finally he feels suicidal and kills himself.(from when did tamil industry start killing heroes? And from when did tamil nadu start accepting such movies? )
After reading this you must be feeling what the hell is the story? It’s just a psychologically affected guy killing himself, many might not like it. But you must feel the emotions of this heroine who truly loves him and gets suddenly deprived of his love, cries for him. The hero who is not able to tell her the truth and so not to hurt her goes through hell hiding it and for the dreams that he would have had marrying his love of 10 years. The pain that they show of the guy who knows he is sick, and he knows he is feeling suicidal he wants to live, live a normal life with a girl but cannot due to some weird problems his mind has, and when the girl comes to know the truth after his death feels like hell coz she was not able to spend that last good time with him before he died. I cant say I love the movie, but it made me depressed. If this was the objective of the movie, mission accomplished!
I don’t know if it makes sense but such movies really move me so much that makes me think again and again about death, about how much we struggle for money, love, relationships and so many stupid things in life but end of all this is one fine day you are blank out of speech out of life. What’s going to happen to those who are still with life, this pain would be impossible to bear. How many things we would have thought of doing for the ones we love so much. What will happen if they just vanish one day? Life is so horrible. I was never asked if I would like to be born, and no one will ask me whether I am ok to die, what the hell? From which angle is this fair?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Made to order or made for each other?

When we were in college we would be sitting at the cafĂ© coffe day discussing on all idiotic things of life be it guys, marriage, love and blah blah… we would have a list of things the guy of our choice should have starting from no smoking, no flirting, earn a 7 figure salary, modern, respectable, handsome, caring, loving, helpful, would die for us, talented, software engineer, should like shopping, should have a car…. Phew! let me stop typing the list or some guy who would read this would have got his blood pressure up by now. So that was the kind of aggregated list generally girls would have when they discuss about the ideal guy.
Well the other side of the river is no less green, I mean the list a group of guys would talk would be similar but different in terms of few aspects like say beauty, patience, maintain herself always, independent on all her work (includes shopping), looks after his parents well, not demanding, no nagging, no questions, gel well with everyone, loving, taking care (like nearest comparable - mother), wear a smile no matter what, never argue… ok this stop is for the girls whom I respect reading till here let me save their patience to read further. Ok, so what are we talking here are we deciding in buying a latest television set in the market? Then why do we have a list of features to look out for? I can’t say this is human nature coz our grandparents generation never had this list, atleast not this long to expect of a life partner, well we should accept the fact that they are happy today.
Actually speaking that generation were the greatest risk takers they all had the guts to go for a blind marriage (like our blind dates), and to the surprises of surprises they would survive the marriage till death do them apart.
So what do we have to learn from them? It does not matter whom you marry known or unknown person, it is about what you make out of the person you get in life. Its all about forgiving, teaching, learning, accepting, honesty, trust, understanding and more. But believe me its very very difficult to actually do all those things that I just wrote, if I give you an example it would be that of an overweight person who tries so hard to loose weight but just cant get the results and finally gives up. If I were to argue on the contrary on why it would not work it is because the generation we live in our thinking, our independence, financial security we have, empowerment... all this makes us stronger and makes us think why should we compromise our lives for even few years of adjusting just because once we are old we will maybe still like each other like our grandparents. Why take chances? Why waste our precious time of our life to adjust or compromise?
The modern thinking is a move on attitude which long back used to be the western world thinking, its now all over the world india is no more traditional or stuck to joint families nor a single wife/husband concept for life.
Should we feel proud that we have developed in our thinking and living and call ourselves modern or are we missing out on the values, family concept, importance of relationships that we used to have years back?
what is right? who are we to answer...but all I know is the whole world changes, and this is one such change maybe.. because if we still keep thinking the life when kings and queens ruled life was perfect, then the world never have moved to our government ruled countries. There is nothing like a perfect world, nothing like perfection, everything has to change… so stop making a feature list for living with a person, just live! Because there is no perfect husband/perfect wife.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

love is simple!

I came rushing to office like usual every day morning and found my good colleague and friend panicking with the landline telephone receiver, shouting at someone for not getting something on time. I interrupted as he was putting down the receiver with dismay “what happened?” I asked. He said “these flower delivery guys are useless people”. I understood the incident when he explained in much detail that he had ordered flowers for his dear wife as she was arriving from her native after a week and I saw that even today after 3 years of being married, he sounded panicked for his gesture of love not being implemented as per plan. I decided to help him and suggested that we will go to the nearby florist and he will delivery almost immediately. We ordered red roses meanwhile he got a call from his wife that she reached home and simultaneously the flower delivery guy also left for delivery.
We had resumed work and just in half an hour my colleague got a call on his mobile and he was all blushing and laughing. No questions asked, I know the reason for all the smiles on both ends of the phone lines. Love is simple, expressing is even simpler. With simple signs of showing love why would anyone not feel happy being together? When u exactly know what makes the other one smile it will not take crossing seven hills and rivers to do that for the other.
I will narrate another incident of such bonding. We usually work late if the work calls for it and in one such cases as we were working past 6 our boss told to one of our colleague that he might need to connect back in the night for a presentation and to my shock my colleague refused, he simple said he and his wife have booked for a movie and he has to be going in there or his wife will feel bad about it. This came as a shock to me as at least if it were me I would have lied as something else, but to my surprise this came as an unexpected excuse to give a boss. My boss could not comment much about that but accept the fact that he needs to go. This colleague of mine who would work if required till anytime and complete his tasks without much a nagging but today said outright on the fact that how important family is and commitments are! I felt happy on this and also thought how many of us actually put family in front of work and dare do it when time calls for it. I am sure if he had told this truth to his wife she would have felt very happy. (Maybe when she reads this too)
Career, money, status, keeping busy all these have pushed relationships far away, love and bonding have almost vanished. But still there are some things that we see around us that make us realize love does exist in all these small things that people around us are doing.
For those of us who think work is everything have forgotten when we said ‘I love you’ and received the same from someone dear. We have completely forgot to give love. Do not stop to receive this magic from somewhere try and give it to someone today, and maybe someday it comes back to you as many flowers, smiles, hugs and love. Plant a seed today called love and who knows when it might knock at your door with flowers.
Life is much shorter than we think it is, so no point in sitting in a fully loaded apartment at the age of 40 with a benz parked outside and no one to share it with. Money can still buy you smiling women but none of it is real love, so make sure you make that precious one at your home happy today because tomorrow even if u don’t have the riches in the world you will still be RICH.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Valentine's day!

Love is such a beautiful world, there are times where we went fanatic about it, so excited like this is why we were born for!
Now that valentine’s day is around the corner I feel like filling in few lines in here to talk about love and how we all go nostalgic when we come across bouquet shops, archies, online ads, facebook etc . for those newly in love need not be any reminders of valentine’s day this month they would have planned like a month before on what to gift and where to go this special day, how to make each other feel special and so as to steal a kiss or anything of that sort.
For those who plan to propose someone look forward to this day so that they feel empowered like it’s a day designed for them to legally tell what they feel, and here an extra round of planning goes like which is the right place to go on a date, right food, right time to propose, right flowers, chocolates, perfectly right gift…. And a bunch of friends on sms and calls connected to make sure nothing goes wrong.
For those who have passed the stage of newly in love and have come to the stage of just before tying a knot, this would be a very special occasion of showing their love and the attention they give to every detail like her/his favorite restaurant, favorite flowers, perfectly planned day… this is to be remembered for the rest of their lives coz they are going to enter a new phase of life
For those who are newly married they are now a couple, it’s a new life it go to be all new to go out as a couple to get a table booked for a candle light dinner with all those blushes to experience the ‘newly married status’.
For those who have well crossed all above would necessarily mean you must be married now for more than a year or two. This stage need not be all that bad coz for those who are lucky would still get red roses and chocolates, and for those who are not might need to be reminded by the bouquet shops, archies, online ads and facebook.
We all wish life would go like the movie ‘valentine’s day’ where the grandpa cuts roses from garden and places near grandma and she wakes up happy to see them fresh and lovely and grandpa surprises her with a gift, it’s a movie end of the day all that we can’t be we see on a screen so that we know what can make us feel happy.
Want to end with an own quote ‘being in love is like being young you will definitely get older and so does love’

Monday, October 3, 2011

I’m never coming back again!

I am a little girl from top of the hill
‘All the worlds’ love is for me’, said my mama
For I am the only blessing they have
I had never known, a day of loneliness
For I was safe and sound in the nest of care
i was the luckiest girl, In all the kingdom I have known?
Once came a clad riding from down the hill
Spelled a charm from his eyes
I left my abode, to join a new life’s journey
‘Goodbye mama’, will I ever see you hold me again?
One day I opened my eyes, to see a vast desert
Where have I landed?  In the land of no water
The more I walk, the further I sink
The charmer had disappeared
For whom I left the world behind
Now here I am
Searching for life’s oasis….
‘Mama’, I’m never coming back again!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another love story..

Those days… where have they gone?
Those beautiful long drives in the night, with a hint of romance.  Scared to go home late, feeling bad to leave this enchanting moment.
Tastiest biryani’s and all new experiment in every restaurant we could walk into, we would talk, talk and talk as if the world will end tomorrow and that excitement in which we would share things as and when it happened. I would always start with “you know whatttttt….”
Every Sunday Bangalore would be most profitable coz we bought n number of fruit juice, snacks, biryanis, movies and shopping.
Those movies we saw, did we even know we went for the sake of watching? I would not answer that question. Popcorns we had.. We have spilled more pop corn than actually ate. It was like we would go to movies only for intervals and popcorn
Those fights we had… the fight will be of the silliest reason but to resolve it would take hours and hours through night and day and I believe the telecom companies profit at this single aspect on their earnings.
Online 24/7 was the kind of relationship.. And not sharing the simplest thing for the day is a sin in both the cases.
A flower will bring smiles; a chocolate will bring giggles and love. A ‘love you’ brings the meaning for that day’s living.
A small trip will mean freedom, being kids again, understanding life more together, giving those small gifts to say Christmas is all year.
The name on the phone screen flashes ‘calling’ and my heart would pound fast, smile on my lips and ‘off’ goes the current world out of sight. When it’s U its only U and nobody or nothing else is first.
When we tried to lie parents, the innocence, the fear of getting caught … how bad can it get to be today?
Travelling city to city for each other, one holiday is all we need to dream to see each other, to keep reminding ourselves on things to talk and share.
Feelings of sadness every time we have to leave, when again would we meet again to talk, to share, to fight ?
Life was not at all fair for those limited mobile balances, time restriction to talk, limited time to spend with each other.
We would dream about staying together as a family, it would seem like a princess story and ending happily ever after. We wanted to belong to that fairy tale.
And today I sit and remember all those moments, OH GOSH! It was a wonderful part of my life and I never get to live like that again.
Who said its only college days that we miss later in life, these initial beautiful days of love also never come again even if you end up marrying the same person.
What is life today?
Work 24/7, phone calls only to inform ‘I will be late’, go out only if only any occasion calls for it, going out for a movie is no more for fun or pop corn it’s now a calendar event, when was the last time I heard someone loves me?, I am the reason for airtel’s losses, now fights are very short coz we are getting late for office, now flowers come only if ordered for somebody’s occasion, birthdays become ‘oh I have to buy some gift’ kind of an event, anniversaries become ‘here comes another expense’ kind of obligation, pick up and drop facility now passed on to auto bhaiyyas and meru uncles, not keeping well is now ‘you can manage right?’…
Why do we have to dream? Why do we need to fight the world for it? Why do we get all that happiness when being in love and been loved? Why does that go away so fast? Will it ever come back again? Or is it all lost like those old college days?
We all need answers, answers to our own hearts….

Monday, August 8, 2011

One lakh islands - Lakshadweep

I can still feel the gush of winds and hear the waves of green-blue Ocean. There are no words to complete anybody’s imagination. After this little gyan let me present to you the subject of talk here- “Lakshadweep” which means a one lakh islands, OMG! What a place.. I have not travelled abroad to say this is the best that is in the world, but I can definitely say this place is the best that I have seen be it from my eyes, pictures, movies or anything.
Let me describe you about this heaven, it was a dream come true for me as I had been thinking of this place from 4 years now. And finally I get the chance to actually be there. First of all its not a commercial tourist place so there are no much travel options from Bangalore except through air, so me and my hubby set off from Bangalore to Agatti – which is the only island in Lakshadweep with airport and when we landed we saw a thin strip of land which is one end of the island and we saw both ends of water.
The scenic view from airplane is the most exotic piece of picture I have ever seen. The green blue waters like you have found a piece of jewel in the middle of an ocean, like you are stranded and find this piece of land to breath.
You must have seen a lot of movies where people get lost and land up in an uninhibited island- I got the same feeling. We stayed in a small cottage with the wind pushing in my face 24/7 like it was reminding its presence every second, like it’s the messenger to inform beforehand about the mighty ocean.
As I stood at the walkway bridge towards the sea, I saw eternity. The waters had its language to speak; the silver fishes swam against the green water, a dozen big and beautiful turtles would float on the surface with their yellow neck popping up for air, the jelly fishes innocently float away, the fishermen would try hard on their luck from the infinite waters, the sunsets so tranquil, the underwater had a billion creatures living thinking it was still like the beginning of the world.
As the night set its tent pitch dark, the quick crabs would play around like it’s their world now. Its darkness, invisible waves, nocturnal world and peace at my heart.
People living her would smile at no matter who you are, their eyes so innocent like human, like purity, like truth. I believe some angels guard this treasure island.
I wish I belong here - to the creation, the nature, the truth, the sand and water, the beginning and the end.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Love- Its complicated!

The concept of love is such a complicated thing… how did our parents manage to get through this complication over so many years?

We see someone, we are attracted, we speak and we understand. This is the person we want to live a life with forever and ever happily…

HAPPILY??? Now that’s a big question mark.

Do love stories ever get solved? Is break-up the only solution if its not working out? To get to the topic of not working out in love what actually goes wrong?
It’s all lovely in the initial stages of love, angels dance in day dreams, you start hearing to your heart beats, every beautiful thing makes you smile, and you feel lighter than a bird. These being very common symptoms you go through this beautiful thing called love, and there comes a next stage of compatibility and understanding.

What happens here? Slowly you start noticing every activity of your partner- what he/she does? Who are his/her friends? And every possible thing about you partner.

There are some things that make you uncomfortable about your partner and same is your partner’s case.

Now, come on! Is there something called made for you- personalised piece in this world? How can you even dream about such a thing, you have not ordered a personalized laptop for goodness sakes!

You have just found yourself another soul like you with a different mind, different thinking, different habits, and different views about life…. In two words a different personality.

Basic facts about relationship for which you do not need to read this novel “men are from mars, women are from Venus” (I didn’t read either)
Your partner remembering your birthday, Valentine’s Day, wedding anniversary and etc days is not compulsory. If he/she is out of station calling you or even informing that he/she is alive is not mandatory Your partner is not on any obligation to know if you had food, slept well, looking good in your new dress, new hairstyle… and a lot of such little cute things.

You need to think twice while speaking to people around you, But be very broadminded if it comes to your partner, let him/her have his own way of prioritizing people.
Make sure you have your own hobby options active like reading novels, watching movies, painting etc. because you need them when u do not have the attention or company you expect from your partner.

I can go on, but considering your patience levels to read the same I am stopping at this. So this is what you need to be trained with to have a perfect relationship going on with zero fights. (ok please do not attempt to find my address or number to get to warn me about stopping such torturous facts to be published in this blog)

Alrite! Alrite! Alrite! Alrite! Now to the actual facts, I am as confused as you are as a reader about “ what is the perfect recipe for love?” well, there is none.

Everyone needs to find their own success recipes in their own way. Please do not purchase stuff like “how to fall in love” “how to sustain in love” how to understand your spouse”.
Coz what’s in a book is a person’s view; it’s his/her point of getting solutions in a relationship. What is your story? What is your expectation? And what is your partner’s? Understand, talk, love, feel, tell …. And then find a solution yourself.

If I can teach you how to love, will this mean I know your partner better?

Love exists, it does. Believe it, feel it. If you still don’t, remember that there is a lifetime to know you and your love, but not believing it can erase everything at this single moment.
Now you are forced to read a little note which i might call a poem.. (love:what all it makes you do!)

Does this happen to love?
Once upon a time a prince rode on the flying horse
Who came from high above the skies
To seek my hand into life
My eyes closed, I stepped ahead of my heart.
Took a vow for the love of my life
My eyes had a billion dreams inside
I dreamt they would unfold in every moment as I step
I am still thinking my hand is in yours
As I am with you leaving my world behind me
I trusted your hand more than my life
I believed in you more than my heart
And If I had to wake up one fine morning
To find all this was a dream,
I would want To sleep forever…
(Did i hear an applause? or did you click on something to block my blog?)

I am back!

Hi folks, I know you must have missed me for long now, I just took a break to renew my skills and my ways of communication. Now I know you won’t buy such bullshit, so the fact is I got married and took a year’s break on blogging.

Life has changed a sea after this licensed live-in relation arrangement was done. Had I been a spinster I would have cribbed to have been married, now that I am married I miss the days where there were no rules to my mind. Is it that I am having a tough time coping with a husband material? Not at all.. He is not a husband, he is a rollercoaster. No! Guys, no imaginations on this quote.

I have all the freedom I need, all the permissions required, I need not behave wifey, I need not think for being what I want to be. Then WTF is the problem?

Ok here is a preliminary analysis of the problem I am undergoing. It’s a new law of physics or whatever subject this might fit in to, that when u have something which is what you always wanted, you no longer wish for it. Which is you no longer appreciate that it’s a big thing. Like example I had a lot of restrictions of being the only daughter about things like

Early to home policy,

No movie with friends policy,

No coloring hair policy,

Any salon treatment needs pre approval,

Dress measurements should be a size bigger than you actually are,

Now for all the policies above I wished I had FREEDOM! Now off course I have it. tons and tons of freedom (like I measured it).

Should I not be the happiest wife in the whole world? Haaa there is the catch, now I have freedom so what’s next? Now that is life, just because you wanted something so badly and you get it, your life does not stop at that. What is the next big thing you want is the way of thought. Life would become stagnant if we had everything we want, its like we finished our life in here so lets move to the next world.

The day you have got everything you ever wanted you wil look horrible with wrinkles, not a drop of energy even to think about what you want next. That’s when the invisible world decides ‘alrite pack your bags and disappear’. And then probably you are born again somewhere to learn again, think again, wish again, live again. so, dont stop dreaming...

Ok guys come back, I’ll talk about more such crazy things.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

live, let live

Have you tried to examine your parent's life, I am talking about those typical orthodox family’s story, it is common that most of the women in these families are house wives, they are dependents - financially, emotionally, security wise. Nothing wrong in this dependency, but do all our mothers really love being a house wife and dependant on their husband, and I am sure 99 out 100 would answer yes since they are trained with these readymade answers.
To an Indian woman ‘life’ is- her home, her husband and her children nothing beyond a caretaker’s job. And we do hear to the opinions such as 'it is a great pleasure being a house wife looking after everyone' and blah blah this is obvious coz she has seen nothing beyond this and she has lived a life of a sheep which follows its friends.
Specially in a typical orthodox family every wife is living her husband’s idea of life, its not actually her dreamed life.. your would be does not want you to work you say yes, he wants you to be a house wife, he does not permit you to wear the dresses you dreamed to live with, you need permissions and authorizations to go out, you must give explanations on every phone cal u make or receive, you got to stop all the internet activities.. I mean this is so called typical Indian bahu, exceeding anything of the above you will be labeled arrogant, attitude etc.. oh come on give me a break will the male accept the same rules formulated for a woman, physically weak does not mean we are automated robots. We have a life of our own like every living being on earth so treat us that way.
I don’t know if this article can change the present husbands, but this is just a hope that the going to be husbands give a thought over this matter.
Next time you decide your would be’s life is to be designed by you, remember you are not marrying a girl you are marrying a robot, of course a robot which brings a lot of drowry along.
Living a meaning full life is not in controlling others; it is in giving others a life that they want to live.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Relationships r forever

Why are relationships so complicated?

When was the last time u fought with your girl/boy friend, or your close friend, your best friend, your spouse, or brother/sister, you mom or dad, be it anyone there is some different kind of expectations that we keep with different relations.
The more we expect the more we are hurt, we always tend to think the fault is on the other side which is actually not coz the opposite party also thinks the same about us.
Unknowingly we hurt a lot of people who truly love, but in the process of loving too much we happen to hurt indirectly, taking a simple example of a boy and girl(imagination of relation at the reader’s discretion) wherein the guy expects the girl to be all dedicated to him, by the word dedicated I mean she should spend her time completely on him be it on mobile phone, be it in a direct meet, or on chat, if the girl has free time or rather just time it got to be for the guy, nothing wrong in this because there is this mentality of a kid who thinks his mom should like only him but not his sis, this usually happens in a new relationship.
But the flip side is that the guy tends to become over possessive and the girl starts feeling the pinch, she loves the guy and she has no doubts about it but the way she feels in the relationship is a trapped kind of feeling, this is not healthy!

What actually goes wrong in this relation is expectations and the power of controlling someone’s life, you may feel great in making someone obey your orders, make someone live a life that you like, but this is absolute cruelty.

Misunderstandings and fights crop up at this stage, so what is the solution??
When there are fights in a relationship this generation youngsters misunderstand it as that the relation is not working, so it has to be called off, the fact is that they fail to realize these simple things that has a huge impact on relationships.
- Stop controlling your partner with rules and limits
- Do not control your partner’s freedom by restrictions
- A little possessiveness is good, but over possessiveness causes damage
If love truly exists between you, you need not guard it by your rules

Fights does not mean things are not working out, it means you are just knowing much more about the other person, a sweet smile, or a simple talk can solve this and the moment of reconciliation is the best moments in relationships. The more you fight the better you understand a person.
Learn about the likes and dislikes and make sure you do not do stuff that your partner hates, it is like you hate cats and your partner knows the fact but still gifts you one, is’nt that irritating? It’s the same way someone feels when you do things the other person hates.
A relationship is about adjusting with the goods and bads of the other person, when you truly love someone behave the way that makes the other one happy and this does not mean you got to change yourself.
It just means you don’t do things that the other dislikes. Happiness lies in making someone happy and if you truly wanna be happy make someone smile today, surely it would multiply and come back to you.
So next time you fight you know what to do, right? Learn to forgive and you’ll be the happiest creature on earth.
Life is so beautiful therefore ‘live and let live’

Friday, May 23, 2008

MBA- Master in Bindaas Attitude

What has management education taught you?
This question had been ringing in my ears from quite a long time.. Especially because in one of our lecture classes, we answered like dumb people for a question on tools of promotion and our lecturer had commented “any layman can answer like you”. And this is absurd.. So, I am no better than a layman, how worst can it get to be?

And it came to my mind that my lecturer was so true, I am still the complete normal dumb person as I was 2 years back when I entered the post graduation, carrying with me 1000 expectations of acquiring a world of knowledge.
It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it? , because the word ‘MBA’ has created this hype that a master in business administration can create the 8th wonder of this world, specially if he/she is from a premium institution.
And now to ground reality, I still feel I am whom I was 2 years back without this huge investment, and a 2 year time.
And are people out there completely crazy like me that they badly need a pos graduation degree for nothing?
All these dreams of post graduation as a transformational tool in one’s life is all crap?
And is all the hunting for big corporate names and big bucks a fantasy?
Let’s give these queries a little thought, at least this is what my simple mind could think about,
A higher education degree does not:
- Make each one of us an Einstein
- Give us power to transform any organization into a cash cow
- Give us powers to conquer the corporate kingdom
Now then what does it do??? It does much more than the above
- It gives us the confidence to adapt
- It gives us the patience to listen and learn
- It makes us good thinkers
- It facilitates us to learn quickly
- It helps us boost our creativity
Doesn’t these sound so simple, but beware these are the most important things organizations look out for, and if the corporates out there trust an institution they trust the knowledge it imparts to its students.
As a famous saying goes, ‘In order to cut a tree spend 75% time sharpening your axe’
The sharpening role is what is done by these educational degrees and now that’s the difference between a layman and a post graduate.
(I hope my lecturer does not read this and think “This is crap man”)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

live life your way, its urs!

Well I want to speak about
in this article; since I am a female most of you must be expecting this is another female who would speak about equal rights or about male chauvinism. Well, that’s not the point here it’s a complete fact that women are weaker physically.
As the early men used to hunt wild animals not women and that is what has been followed even today, coz in most of the orthodox Indian families it makes so much sense that the head of the family(male) is the bread winner of the family. But tell me if men still hunt wild animals for food, absolutely no! (The truth is we are even scared to visit a jungle)
And the tradition still goes on to believe that women are not capable to handle business, not capable to understand the world better, (well some think women are bad drivers too!).
But the only constant is change, life changes- so does a women’s fate, now that she has broken the shell and has understood the meaning of freedom, the meaning of being independent, now she believes she can do much more than cooking. And all the struggle for women rights and equality has given some results, as much as to take the girl higher in the education ladder and also the corporate ladder. But people have a little idea what exactly happens here, we have freedom to work now but do not have the courage to say no if our boss calls us early to office or leaves later than office hours, we don’t dare to say shut up if someone is speaking rubbish, we don’t dare to slap the person who speaks the vulgar language, why? Answer is simple-that we fear what might happen if I did that.
If you as a women really want freedom it does not come in big revolutions, it does not come by forming societies or fighting for rights, freedom starts in your heart, try to live a life where you can proudly say I lived life on my terms, you need not struggle for another woman’s problem, ask your heart if you were never the prey of such men who think they can do anything for the simple reason that women don revolt back.
Education starts at home, and a revolution starts from your heart, when there is a woman behind every man’s success, there sure is a man behind every woman’s success, since we begin to grow when we fight back, or we stay where we are like how a typical Indian house wife is. And the fact is, its not men who have made a woman’s life miserable, its woman herself.
Never compromise on your education, career, or your life partner, what you need to do is in your hands it’s not in the rules. Your dad may be your guardian now, and later your husband but you are the guardian to your heart. No one can stop you being yourself and if you really can’t fight to live your own life there is just no meaning to your living.
When you fight a battle called life, don’t worry about the opponent’s army size at least give a try to fight it.” You die once if you loose the battle at least you don’t die everyday living a coward’s life.
“Live life queen-size”, after all you live only once.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

love's labor lost

Arranged marriages have been an integral part of Indian society for centuries, and even today people having their marriages planned by their parents and other respected family-members, with the consent of the bride and groom, does occur. Arranged matches were made after taking into account factors such as the compatibility of the couples' horoscopes, the backgrounds of their families (wealth, social standing) and their castes. The institution of marriage in India is considered a very important one. Thus, parents felt that since they were older and wiser than their progeny, they would be able to find a suitable match for their children with more prudence than the latter. Although most marriages are arranged, some couples are opting for love marriage in urban areas. (Source: Wikipedia)
I guess the small introduction above gives a brief idea about what I am going to speak, these days the word arranged marriage sounds so old fashioned as the practice itself, the invasion of foreign brands, lifestyles, movies, fashion etc has this enormous impact in the way we live that we have forgot that there is something called our culture that existed centuries back but slowly perishing.
Once you have finished the above paragraph I know that you must be thinking I am just another philosopher who is a good preacher but a bad follower. I am not trying to prove that I do not use foreign brands, or do not see Hollywood movies or do not eat a burger at mc Donald’s, Off course 'I do'. The point is we are so busy following the culture which is not ours that we also don’t realize what are the pros and cons of opting a love marriage over arranged.

Well lets back to the actual story, lets picturise this “how do you decide to fall in love?”, I would say most of the times the girl/boy does not know anything about the other but still are attracted to each other which you may call it love at first sight, or teenage or whatever. Now these are strangers but still they get into a relationship called love not even knowing where it might lead them to, and we see “n” number of failures be it the guy cheated, or the girl found him boring, or that it’s a contractual dating. I am not trying to prove there are no failed marriages, sure there are. But atleast you need not have to leave your family, or break your parent's trust; when u fall in love the first time or get married in an arranged scenario its all the same, its only after the actual relationship comes into picture the compatibility is proved. So why cheat your parent’s trust?, why run away from home?, why hurt others feelings?. Don’t you think it is being pure selfish when you just think about your happiness.

You need care, you need love, you need guidance, you need financial assistance, you need social recognition and you need all these only till you get into this magic called love!, you’ll never realize how much you have hurt until your own kid runs away with some stranger.
I am not against love, but I am against lovers who think they are always right and don’t give a damn to their parent’s opinion whom they mistake to be those opposing parents in a certain love story of a movie. Before you leave your parents for the loved one, just think once again that,

“You are somebody because of those parents, and if you are a nobody you’d probably not have been chosen by your loved one”.