The concept of love is such a complicated thing… how did our parents manage to get through this complication over so many years?
We see someone, we are attracted, we speak and we understand. This is the person we want to live a life with forever and ever happily…
HAPPILY??? Now that’s a big question mark.
Do love stories ever get solved? Is break-up the only solution if its not working out? To get to the topic of not working out in love what actually goes wrong?
It’s all lovely in the initial stages of love, angels dance in day dreams, you start hearing to your heart beats, every beautiful thing makes you smile, and you feel lighter than a bird. These being very common symptoms you go through this beautiful thing called love, and there comes a next stage of compatibility and understanding.
What happens here? Slowly you start noticing every activity of your partner- what he/she does? Who are his/her friends? And every possible thing about you partner.
There are some things that make you uncomfortable about your partner and same is your partner’s case.
Now, come on! Is there something called made for you- personalised piece in this world? How can you even dream about such a thing, you have not ordered a personalized laptop for goodness sakes!
You have just found yourself another soul like you with a different mind, different thinking, different habits, and different views about life…. In two words a different personality.
Basic facts about relationship for which you do not need to read this novel “men are from mars, women are from Venus” (I didn’t read either)
Your partner remembering your birthday, Valentine’s Day, wedding anniversary and etc days is not compulsory. If he/she is out of station calling you or even informing that he/she is alive is not mandatory Your partner is not on any obligation to know if you had food, slept well, looking good in your new dress, new hairstyle… and a lot of such little cute things.
You need to think twice while speaking to people around you, But be very broadminded if it comes to your partner, let him/her have his own way of prioritizing people.
Make sure you have your own hobby options active like reading novels, watching movies, painting etc. because you need them when u do not have the attention or company you expect from your partner. I can go on, but considering your patience levels to read the same I am stopping at this. So this is what you need to be trained with to have a perfect relationship going on with zero fights. (ok please do not attempt to find my address or number to get to warn me about stopping such torturous facts to be published in this blog)
Alrite! Alrite! Alrite! Alrite! Now to the actual facts, I am as confused as you are as a reader about “ what is the perfect recipe for love?” well, there is none.
Everyone needs to find their own success recipes in their own way. Please do not purchase stuff like “how to fall in love” “how to sustain in love” how to understand your spouse”.
Coz what’s in a book is a person’s view; it’s his/her point of getting solutions in a relationship. What is your story? What is your expectation? And what is your partner’s? Understand, talk, love, feel, tell …. And then find a solution yourself. If I can teach you how to love, will this mean I know your partner better?
Love exists, it does. Believe it, feel it. If you still don’t, remember that there is a lifetime to know you and your love, but not believing it can erase everything at this single moment.
Now you are forced to read a little note which i might call a poem.. (love:what all it makes you do!)
Does this happen to love?
Once upon a time a prince rode on the flying horse
Who came from high above the skies
To seek my hand into life
My eyes closed, I stepped ahead of my heart.
Took a vow for the love of my life
My eyes had a billion dreams inside
My eyes had a billion dreams inside
I dreamt they would unfold in every moment as I step
I am still thinking my hand is in yours
As I am with you leaving my world behind me
I trusted your hand more than my life
I believed in you more than my heart
And If I had to wake up one fine morning
To find all this was a dream,
I would want To sleep forever…
(Did i hear an applause? or did you click on something to block my blog?)