Have you tried to examine your parent's life, I am talking about those typical orthodox family’s story, it is common that most of the women in these families are house wives, they are dependents - financially, emotionally, security wise. Nothing wrong in this dependency, but do all our mothers really love being a house wife and dependant on their husband, and I am sure 99 out 100 would answer yes since they are trained with these readymade answers.
To an Indian woman ‘life’ is- her home, her husband and her children nothing beyond a caretaker’s job. And we do hear to the opinions such as 'it is a great pleasure being a house wife looking after everyone' and blah blah this is obvious coz she has seen nothing beyond this and she has lived a life of a sheep which follows its friends.
Specially in a typical orthodox family every wife is living her husband’s idea of life, its not actually her dreamed life.. your would be does not want you to work you say yes, he wants you to be a house wife, he does not permit you to wear the dresses you dreamed to live with, you need permissions and authorizations to go out, you must give explanations on every phone cal u make or receive, you got to stop all the internet activities.. I mean this is so called typical Indian bahu, exceeding anything of the above you will be labeled arrogant, attitude etc.. oh come on give me a break will the male accept the same rules formulated for a woman, physically weak does not mean we are automated robots. We have a life of our own like every living being on earth so treat us that way.
I don’t know if this article can change the present husbands, but this is just a hope that the going to be husbands give a thought over this matter.
Next time you decide your would be’s life is to be designed by you, remember you are not marrying a girl you are marrying a robot, of course a robot which brings a lot of drowry along.
Living a meaning full life is not in controlling others; it is in giving others a life that they want to live.